Friday, June 9, 2017

Truly Amazing

You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you (Nehemiah 9:6).
This solemn declaration forms part of the worship experience during which the Israelites confessed their sins and the sins of their ancestors. The Levites asked that God’s name “be exalted above all blessing and praise” and went on to say, “You alone are the LORD…You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.” That was perfectly in order because God is awesome. God’s power and grace are beyond human comprehension. God is truly amazing!

When we use the word ‘amazing’, we refer to that which causes astonishment, great wonder, or surprise.  The longer I serve God and the more I depend on God, the more I realize how amazing God is, and that God “moves in mysterious ways”.

For weeks my phone was a source of frustration because often the battery would not charge. On Sunday, 30th April 2017, it refused to charge. Still hoping it would charge I took it to the office the next day. Guess what? No! It still refused to charge. There was no point in taking it home, so we parted company and slept in different locations. At about 4:30 p.m. the next day, I plugged it in and noticed that it began charging. With the almost endless sound of various messages coming in, I took it home. At home it continued charging. Could someone actually be calling me at 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday, 3rd May? Reluctantly, I arose and answered the phone. “Hello!” The immediately recognized voice said: “I missed my stop in Belgium and I am in Amsterdam.” “Where?” “Amsterdam,” said Heidi. Amsterdam and Belgium are two different places and far from each other. Two days later, the phone again refused to charge and I had to replace it. I still marvel at how events unfolded, and I am further convinced that God is truly amazing.

I asked myself what would have happened if my phone had not reacted positively to the attempt to charge it, and I had left it at the office for a second night. Of course there may be some technological explanation for the positive reaction, but for me there is also a theological explanation. I am reminded that God wants the best for everyone and that God is always moving in ways that we cannot comprehend, and which are often confusing, but are always in our best interests.

Oh! That night we woke up Heidi’s uncle who then called a cousin of hers who lives in England but who was on assignment in Amsterdam. Unknown to us, she was scheduled to return to England on the 3rd, but had postponed it until the 8th. She contacted Heidi and in less than 10 minutes, Heidi was at home. She lived a few minutes from the bus station. Who could it be but God?

Are you convinced that God is amazing? I am, and Deniece Williams is so convinced that she wrote:
God is truly amazing
God is truly amazing
God is truly amazing
My God is truly amazing
He is a friend in need, He is a problem solver
He is the strength that never lets you fall
He is your peace, faith is the key!

Thought: God moves in mysterious ways.
Prayer Focus: For faith to trust God with our affairs

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