Sunday, October 20, 2013

Grow While Waiting

We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised” Hebrews 6:12. 
As the early Christians embarked on the Christian journey towards perfect love they discovered that the journey was long. The author was determined to guard them against indolence and inactivity. Rather than a laid-back approach they were encouraged to hold on to their hope. They were reminded of and asked to imitate Abraham who was promised the blessing of many descendants. However, he and Sarah had to wait for twenty five years before the promise was realized. Those long and painful years provided opportunities for them to exercise their faith and patience. Twenty five years was a long time to wait to have a child and although they became impatient they learnt that God will do whatever God has promised.
What promise is there on your life? Do you have God-inspired dreams for your life, family, or church? Are there things you are convinced God has promised you? You might be wondering or even saying you cannot know for sure what is God’s promise?  That is surely not easy. I suspect you have had dreams that you were convinced were divinely inspired only for them to come to zilch. The most proven way to know is to seek confirmation. God provides confirmation for God’s promises and plans. True! Sometimes God appears to be too long in coming through, but hold on.
How long have you been waiting for the fulfillment?  Don’t give up on a promise or dream just because you’ve been waiting a long time. God’s timing is often contrary to ours. Every promise God has spoken over you, every dream God has placed in your spirit, even the secret petitions of your heart, the dreams you haven’t told anyone about, God still has every intention of bringing them to pass.  Stay close to God. Obey God’s Word and move forward in the blessing and victory God has prepared for you! Why?
Well, if everything came to us instantly or whenever we wanted it then it would not require much of us. In such experience we would miss the opportunity to grow. Growth comes when our faith is being stretched; when we have to believe when there seems to be no reason to believe; when we give God praise but we really feel like complaining. Doing that can cause our faith to increase, our character to develop and it brings us closer to seeing the promise come to pass.
THOUGHT:              Good and sturdy growth can come in difficult and challenging                                               times.
PRAYER FOCUS:   For those who feel they can wait no more.

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