Isaiah 7: 14 says, “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel”.
Rezin and Pekah formed an alliance to attack Jerusalem . Life was dangerous and hard. Ahaz, King of Judah, decided to form an alliance with Assyria . God sent Isaiah to discourage Ahaz and to inform him that instead of seeking help from Assyria he must trust God and Rezin and Pekah
will not prevail against Jerusalem . Ahaz was doubtful. Isaiah told him to ask for a sign but he refused, saying he will not put God to the test. Isaiah declared that God himself will give a sign. “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”
The sign was mother specific. The Prophet said The Virgin will be with child. 700 hundred years later a young lady from Nazareth was told she would become pregnant. The sign was gender specific. Isaiah said the virgin would give birth to a son. 700 years later the angel told Joseph “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus”. The sign was name specific. The prophet said “and will call him Immanuel”. Matthew tells us that the angel said “and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins” Matt. 1:21. Immanuel means “God with us” and Jesus means “The Lord Save.” God promised a sign that would assure them of divine control and that those who trust in God will need fear no evil. This was because of unbelief and stubbornness.
Signs are an integral part of human society and we need them. Recently I had to go and visit a member and when I called for directions I was asked, “Rev. Where are you coming from?” Having given my point of beginning I was told the signs to look for and which exit to take to get me to where I am going. Then I heard: “Rev. There is no sign so remember to turn left”. As I turned into the drive way I was reminded that there are times when we have to trust the one who knows where to lead and take us because there are no signs. We must develop a relationship, confidence and trust in God, through Jesus, so that if the signs fail we can still see our way because we are walking by faith and not by sight.
God gives signs when we are stubborn and rebellious and when we are going down the wrong path. Signs also serve as confirmation that our walk, plans and intentions are in keeping with God’s will. Someone told me that signs properly worded and located can exonerate a person or company from liabilities. So signs such as “Slippery When Wet”; or “Steep Precipice Ahead”; or a bundle of green bush in the middle of the road places the burden on the traveler. God has given us enough signs of his love, his care and keeping.
What sign has God been giving you about yourself, your physical health, your church, your family, your co-workers?
THOUGHT: If there are no signs remember Jesus is standing by.
PRAYER FOCUS: Pray for those who are ignoring the signs.
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